Don't Panic

As leading culture guru Peter Drucker stated ‘culture eats strategy for breakfast’

Published by Dont Panic
Date 10 February 2021

As leading culture guru Peter Drucker stated ‘culture eats strategy for breakfast’

Often it is big business that promote their Company Culture and when we say promote, we mean shout very loud and use it to their advantage. They shout because they understand the growing power of company culture as viewed both internally by employees and externally by their competition and by their existing and future clients. Company Culture recognition says we care, we are ethical and we are trustworthy – what is not to love about us?

The Telegraph and The Times newspapers have been keen to get in on the ‘business culture’ act too with their ‘Happiest Places to Work’ and ‘100 Best Companies to Work For’ articles. Articles which are based upon the feedback of employees who are asked to complete confidential surveys! And are most likely encouraged to complete said ‘confidential surveys’ by managers and directors!

Our Company Culture Awards are different.

When we first announced we were getting involved in Company Culture Awards and why we would approach them differently, our contacts across the business community wanted to help us build and drive the project forward. Experts passionate about the workplace and its impact on individuals, teams and whole businesses came forward to offer advice and guidance and have become a judging force of nature, cultural of course!

Our Company Culture Awards are judged by leading industry experts, who are working within organisations with the people, and they understand how VOI measures employee satisfaction, retention and productivity and how mental health and wellbeing can impact ROI. They understand the importance of health and wellbeing initiatives, development and training programmes, and reward schemes and environments. They work with and in companies, large and small, and recognise what is needed to make businesses not only ‘happy places to work’ but environments where individuals grow, develop and live successfully.

The Award categories have been designed with culture at their forefront and the criteria developed to engage with how culture is defined and measured. There are categories across all elements of business culture, from mental health and wellbeing to reward and recognition and they welcome even the smallest of businesses who are getting it right.

Great leaders make great culture, and our judges, leaders themselves, understand exactly what ‘great culture’ looks like.

Our Company Culture Awards are industry recognised, valuable above just popularity and they provide opportunity for assessment and improvement.

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